the creeps
this week in outsider art includes artwork by joseph sleep, photos of mary t. smith, a bill tralyor appreciation post and a few incredible des moines artists who inspire
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Mike Combs is retiring his painted 'creeps' (see more here!), these are the last of this fantastic series, available for purchase if you're interested by messaging him directly at @chomberton
» free preview of this week’s B-B-Bonus This Week in Outsider Art newsletter «
Bill Traylor (c. 1853 – 1949) was an African-American self-taught artist from Lowndes County, Alabama. Born into slavery, Traylor spent the majority of his life after emancipation as a sharecropper. It was only after 1939, following his move to Montgomery, Alabama, that Traylor began to draw. At the age of 85, he took up a pencil and a scrap of cardboard to document his recollections and observations. From 1939 to 1942, while working on the sidewalks of Montgomery, he produced nearly 1,500 pieces of art. #Juneteenth
Here are a few things I’ve been watching this past week:
Here are a few things I’ve been reading this past week:
3,300-year-old ship discovered off Israeli coast, the oldest ever found in deep waters
Human Rights Groups Condemn Six-Year Prison Sentence of Iranian Artist Atena Farghadani
» The Artwork of Jim and Sue Heemstra «
The other day I was driving home from the grocery store and noticed neighbors up the street having a garage sale, with what appeared to be three tables full of pottery. Of course, I was immediately intrigued but because I was driving around with two small young and hungry children, I had to hurry home.
Later that dayI walked back by and met Jim and Sue Heemstra, who create some of the most amazing and incredible works of pottery I’ve ever seen. My neighbors!
Sue has been painting and making artwork forever, but Jim who had worked in commercial photography up until the pandemic, just started hand throwing pots, little chairs, plates, and contributing to these unique totems that Jim and Sue stack on top of each other — some reaching heights as tall as eight feet tall.
They don’t share their work often, but were kind enough to invite me and my rowdy children over the very next day for a studio tour and yard sale of their truly mesmerizing and unique works of art.
As Jim mentioned to me he’s a bit of an “outsider” and largely taught himself to make these works, I mentioned I’m probably your worst nightmare because I have a myriad of questions and want to spend as much time with their artwork I as I can.
I hope to get to know the Heemstra’s more and with their blessing show more photos and videos of their wonderful artwork.
Shout out to b. Robert Moore, self-taught artist from Des Moines, Iowa whose first ever museum show just opened this weekend at the Des Moines Art Center. The opening reception wasn’t as much of an opening as it was an event, full of community and inspiration and good vibes had by all. If you have the chance, please do yourself a favor and check out this one of a kind exhibit.
The tragic life and artwork of Nelius Faling (paid newsletter)
Lorena Eliasen, Folk Artist and Illustrator, Adds Gorgeous Works To The FolkArtwork Collective Shop
13 Black Folk Artists From The American South on DailyArtMagazine
The Artwork of James Ash, As Told By His Daughter Singer/Songwriter Anna Ash
Dinah Hanson-Carrillo’s Beautiful and Mysterious Work Available In The FolkArtwork Collective Shop
Norval Morrisseau is the ‘Picasso of The North’, Learn More on
Shop Original Artwork From Self-Taught Artists Around The Globe
The Greatest List of All-Time for Must-Watch Documentaries on Outsider Artists
Art Environments in the Midwest: Photos, Videos, Info, and more!
Change Makers: Stories that Inspire: Life & Work with Adam Oestreich
JACKIE is a neurodivergent, endometriosis warrior folk/outsider artist who started creating when she was running a small home daycare and would use the kids’ leftover paints to make mirror image paintings and continued making art since as a means to quiet my mind and body.
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